First things first with this other way, you won’t be getting the old Facebook profile design, but it will change the Timeline design by making it less clutter removing the new cover photo, friends box, and the two-columns view will get replaced with a single column. All that is required for this to work is a web browser extension called Social Fixer and it is supported by most browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera) but Internet Explorer. Alright, let’s get down to business:

  1. The first thing you need to do is to visit and get the extension for the web browser you use.

  2. Once the extension is installed, head over A bunch of new stuff will appear in your profile, for now just click the new wrench icon and select Social Fixer Options.

  3. STOP! Before continuing, navigate every item on the menu from the left and uncheck all the options. Social Fixer comes with a tons of great features, but you can explore them later, now we are focused in Timeline. Just uncheck everything for the moment.

  4. Click on the Timeline item, and check all the options (“Display posts in a single column”, “Hide cover photos”, “Hide the friends box”, and “Hide maps of check-ins) but leave uncheck the fist option from the top. Then click the Save button.

  5. Refresh your Facebook profile and you’ll see that Timeline still there, but it has been improved, now it is cleaner and a lot of annoying sections aren’t there anymore like the cover photo, map box, friends box, and now there is only one column.

As you know, Facebook is not letting anyone disable Timeline once you have been upgraded, so this is another way to improve your profile. Just remember that you are the only one who will see the changes on the Facebook profile. Also whenever you have a chance, explore all the options that Social Fixer has in its tool belt, they are pretty cool and they will help to make the most out of your profile, e.g., hiding the ticker, changing font size, turn off Facebook chat, add a new theme in your profile and much more. In the case you change your mind and want the Timeline back, just uninstall the extension from the web browser (on Firefox from the Add-Ons page, and typing chrome://settings/extensions in the address bar on Chrome). Do you want to learn more about Facebook Timeline? Check all our coverage, you’ll find Tips & Tricks, workaround, news and more. If you’d like to see the guide instead of reading, here is the video on how to get rid of Facebook Timeline:

Do you have other tips to make Timeline more useful? Let us know in the comments below. Source Lifehacker All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.